Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3 of 25

I successfully completed my fast day! ALL day. And today, all I get are shakes so I'm still going to be pretty low calorie. I had a bit of a headache last night and was a little shakey this morning, but I feel pretty good now.

Yesterday I completed 2 of the 3 scheduled workouts. I did a lactic acid weight training session and an afternoon HIIT session but skipped the evening steady state run. According to the program, if you need to skip one, that was the one to skip. Frankly, I was amazed that I was able to push it like that for 2 workouts, plus get a lot of housework done on zero food.

I feel tiny today.

I went to see the doctor. He prescribed me some pills and I have to go see a counselor for my anxiety. If I keep waking up at night, I might have to go to a sleep clinic. Oh dear me. I hope it doesn't come to that. But I really need to start sleeping, I look so tired and run down. I swear I've aged 10 years in the past week. I'm anxious to see how these pills work.

He also sent me to the lab because he wanted to make sure I don't have a thyroid problem. He said he was a little concerned because my weight was so low. "Is this typical for you? Are you trying to be this thin?" I didn't admit to my slightly obsessive behavior about fitness and diet, but I did tell him that I was trying to gain muscle, it's just a lot harder than people realize. Seriously, I want to gain weight but that doesn't mean I'm going to stuff myself with junk food. That will make me gain weight alright, but I won't be any healthier. I'll just be clogging my arteries and setting myself up for diabetes. It's hard to gain weight by eating only healthy foods. I think it's harder than losing weight, to tell you the truth.

So anyway, I have yet one more person telling me that I'm too thin. Who knows, maybe the whole world thinks I'm crazy because here I am, thin enough to concern my doctor, and I'm on an extreme fat loss diet. I realize this does sound problematic. But no need for worry, I'm devoting January to thigh fat blasting and come February, I'll be back to trying to pack on some muscle.

Thank you dear friends for your thoughts and concerns. You have NO idea how comforting it is to know that you care. I thank God every day for you!

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