Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Has there been progress?

It's been almost 2 and 1/2 weeks since I started my 12 week timeline. Count down to summer; shorts, bikinis, cute little dresses, etc. My goal is definitely starting to scare me a bit, but my motivation is an 11 out of 10 right now (that's high!) and I don't plan on backing down anytime soon.

I started at 118.2 and as of today I weighed 112.2. This doesn't mean I've lost 6lbs of fat but I'm hoping at least 2lbs comes from fat. That would mean I'm right on track.

Honestly, I don't know how I feel about being back down to 112. I was very excited to see 118, thinking I was packing on muscle. I just hope it wasn't all water and bloat or worse....fat!

I've read that you lose fat in the reverse order of how you put it on. So, for us women, that means that it "goes straight to the hips" and unfortunately it is the last place it comes off. Trust me on this. I KNOW! Anyway, supposedly when you lose fat, your body sheds it from internal organs first, which is why it takes a little longer to show up on the outside. Now that I know this, I think it's made me a little more patient. Whereas before, I would get frustrated, seeing the scale go down, yet not really seeing much improvement in the mirror. This is why the scale is not THE way to track progress. The tape measure is where you're going to see the change.

My tape measure is telling me I'm losing from my waist and abdomen (not my arms, thank goodness) and my lower body. I've only seen barely 1/4 inch loss on each thigh and around the hips. BUT, a loss is a loss, I'll take it!

Today, I felt really tired and winded during my workout. I believe that it may have something to do with my lower calorie intake. I'm afraid I'm going too low. I'm still tracking daily on MyPlate and my net calories (total calories after subtracting calories burned during exercise) are hovering just above 1,000. And yesterday it was even below 1,000. I'm trying not to overthink it. I feel good, I'm not craving or crabby, I feel fed (even over fed at times) so it can't be that bad. Although I did eat more after today's workout. And I plan on bumping up my calorie intake today to boost my leptin levels. Hello meatballs and mashed potatoes!

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