Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I went to a chiropractor yesterday. My mom had an appointment (she's trying something new) and they asked her if she knew of anyone who would like a free consultation. Of course she asked me, since I was driving her anyway. I said, sure. Why not.

I seriously dislike getting "adjusted". I've only had to visit a chiropractor at one point in my life. That was many years ago, after I hurt my back shoveling snow. I couldn't bend over for a month. It was scary going there. Having some guy quickly jerk your body every which way wasn't my idea of fun. Anything but relaxing. Especially when he got to my neck. I knew it was coming and I'd tense up. Then he would tell me to relax. Yeah...sure....I'll relax when it doesn't feel like you are about to break my neck! Needless to say, I was more than a little bit apprehensive about my appointment yesterday.   

This office is unlike anything I've seen before. First of all, they are playing Christian music on Pandora and the doctor is walking around singing the songs. He obviously knows them. That in itself isn't all that strange (although with all the sensitivity to anything religious nowadays, you never know who you are going to offend, it's quite ballsy to play Christian music in a public business). The weird thing is this doctor singing Christian songs is tattooed. Big one down his arm. And there are all these books like, "Body By God" and he is apart of some organization called "Maximized Living". It's just not your ordinary doctor's office.

There are two adjustment tables in the back. In an open room, together with a bunch of exercise equipment. So anyone can watch you getting adjusted. There are machines you stand on that bounce you up and down, side to side at a fast vibration and a bunch of chairs with spiky looking balls on them. And traction ropes and pulleys on the walls - whatever that is. I'm just not sure what to think at this point.

I had my consultation. He talked to me and asked me why I was there. I didn't really know what to say because I didn't have back pain. I was basically just there for my mom. But I mentioned that sometimes I don't sleep well and have anxiety. BINGO! He said he could definitely help with that. I was surprised. I never would have thought in a million years that a chiropractor could help with night terrors and panic attacks! He had me stand straight and after looking at me for all of 3 seconds, he could tell that my head juts forward about two inches, I cock my head slightly to the right side and my left hip sticks out more. All this, he could see, even though I was wearing my coat!

Then he had me bend over forwards. I was really tight from working out (I'm always tight). I could barely make it half way. Then I had to bend to the back. He said, "You realize that's not normal, right?" Uh....no? Apparently, I should be able to bend way more. For my age, it's not good. I just assumed I wasn't a flexible person. Also, every time I moved, my neck, shoulders and back would crack. He asked, "Do you always crack like that?" Yep. That's not normal either. Dude, my knees have been cracking like a 90 year old lady's since I was 6. Cracking is just a part of my life.

I also have something weird going on with the right side of my neck. He could feel it right away. Most of my problems are at the base of my skull. And it makes sense since my problems appear to be nerve related. He is positive that once I'm better aligned, I will feel SO much better. I'll sleep better and he is confident that I won't need my axiety meds anymore. He even took xrays so that next time he sees me (on Wednesday) he will have a better idea of what's going on inside.

I have to say, I was surprised at first to realized how messed up I am. But then after we talked and I thought about it, it really does click. I put a lot of strain on my body lifting weights and I never feel 100%. I just thought all the stiffness was due to the weight training. I'm excited to think how much better I could feel. I bet I will be able to take my training to a whole new level!

I didn't have an adjustment. My first one is Wednesday. I'm still nervous but this guy really seems passionate about helping and certainly knows his stuff! He's earned my trust. Now I just need to get my hubby to join me. He needs it pretty bad, I think.

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