Friday, March 4, 2011


I've said this before...trying to get the right amount of protein in every day is a challenge sometimes. I'm ALWAYS thinking about my next meal and the protein that I will have. If I wasn't so scared of getting mercury poisoning, I would eat tuna more than once or twice per week. Does anyone know how many cans of tuna is a safe amount? I'd love to know.

And about the protein, what is a safe amount? I jokingly asked my husband if he wanted a shot of my veggie drink yesterday morning and he replied, "I'm not afraid of veggies. It's that protein powder I don't want." Well, I didn't have protein powder in my veggie drink, that would be disgusting.

He is afraid that all the protein I am trying to put into my diet is going to ruin my kidneys one day. I always argue that as long as I'm drinking enough water that shouldn't be a problem. Because really, the more you drink, the more you pee. And what is pee but waste and toxins squeezed out of your kidneys. So, I shouldn't have any build up in my kidneys as long as I drink enough water. Am I right? I am no doctor, but this is my theory. Or, am I simply making them work too hard?

This isn't going to be my diet style for life either. It's just too get where I want to be and then to maintain, I should be able to cut back on the protein. But it's critical to building muscle. As are are complex carbs such as yams and other nutritious foods.

If I am way off base with the protein thing, I would love to hear your thoughts. Is it safe, or are we setting ourselves up for kidney failure later on?

I currently shoot for 20-25 grams of protein with each meal. And at 5 meals a day that puts me between 100-125 grams per day.

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