I am strong. I am beautiful. I am courageous. I am confident. I am dedicated. I am consistent. I am diligent. I am persistent. I am passionate. I am worth it.
Every now and then I need to remind myself that I deserve my goal. At times, motivation can be low. I might feel as though I'll never get there and why am I doing this and yadda yadda yadda. Sometimes, I would rather play piano, or paint, or photograph nature than get downstairs to workout. Even though I know my workout is just an hour out of the day. At times, I would rather eat goldfish and granola bars with the kids than drink a veggie smoothie. But I know that when my motivation is lower, it's probably due to hormones, and it won't be long until I pick up again.
I wish I had a little friendly competition to motivate me (like my blogger friend, Amanda is doing). The truth is, I really don't know of anyone else who is trying to better their body through weight training and clean eating. I know plenty of runners. In fact, every single person I know that has an interest in fitness is a runner. And as far as I know, they aren't interested in body recomposition the way I am. And not a single one that tries to eat clean. Sometimes this blog doesn't seem like it's doing the trick for me anymore. I share just about everything - including owning up to flaws and diet busting days. But that almost doesn't scare me enough anymore.
One day, I would like to enter a bodybuilding/fitness competition. That would be the ULTIMATE long term goal for me. I could even say, maybe by the time I'm 40? That certainly leaves plenty of time to train, especially considering the years I've already put in (which should count as a great start). Even though that's a bit distant, it's good to have long and short term goals.
Right now, I am drinking my pre-breakfast green smoothie, and I think I've hit on a really yummy combination today (it's always different). But this time, spinach, strawberries, celery & carrots = YUM! I wouldn't grab this for a snack when I'm hungry, but I know it's good for me and I am trying to get those veggies in. So the best time of day for me to drink these is morning and evening. Not sure why I just told you that, maybe I thought you'd like to try it? It's really not as bad as it seems ;) I'm always trying to push things that most people view as weird (i.e., women weight lifting and drinking vegetables) but with the results I have been able to get from it, am I wrong????
My workouts are mainly running. I like to run 3-4 days a week and usually lift weights after my runs. My weightlifting is very minimal basic stuff legs is squats 2-3 sets of 95lbs for 30 reps and some stiff legged deadlifts. Upperbody is incline and curls both high rep. I really dont want to bulk up at all so i keep the weight low and reps high. I try to eat healthy but you are on another level when it comes to eating healthy.
I burn out too quickly if I lift after I run. I usually do intervals and those are pretty taxing, that's why I do them seperate days. Otherwise, the last half of my workout really suffers. I am probably going to have to force myself to do some steady state running pretty soon though, because I'm supposed to be running the 10k with my sis in May. Are you running in the Fargo Marathon at all?
I ran the half marathon last year. I got no satisfaction out of it. Running is a personal thing for me, races that cost 100 bucks to join and then drive for an hour to get there just aint for me. I like to get my workouts in and then move on with my day. Alot of people run for a month b4 the big race then lose motivation afterwards. I dont want that to be me. I run all year long no matter what the weather is. So far it has worked great for me. When i have a heavy workload i adjust my mileage to avoid burning out. I am not a machine and i understand when i am overtrained.
Well said! You are smart about it. There is such a thing as too much!
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