Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weekends are hard

Weekends are hard. Oh are they hard.

Today wasn't the best in terms of diet, but I tried. I really had an appetite. But anyway, here it is:
(keeping in mind that the goal is to try and eat as clean as I can)

breakfast: 1 buckwheat pancake dunked into a bit of 100% pure natural maple syrup. Some might frown on the syrup just because it's a sugar, but it is the pure stuff - nothing added, so I consider it "clean". Also, 1/2 cup cottage cheese.
am snack: protein & spinach drink, few triscuits with 1 laughing cow wedge, 1 wasa with natural peanut butter (a big I said, I had an appetite today)
lunch: (I pre packed picnic food for our hike today)natural peanut butter and all fruit jelly on Ezekiel bread, 1 hard boiled egg, handful of cherry tomatoes
pm snack: protein bar (20g) - by my standards, I don't really think this is "clean", but I was out hiking with the family today and needed to get my protein in. Also had a few more triscuits on the ride home.
dinner: ricotta cheese with sliced almonds, grilled cheese with Ezekiel bread - probably not the best choice considering all the starchy carbs I already had today, but I had cravings today and I decided I better eat something I liked or I'd be wanting to graze all night long.

All in all, a higher calorie day than I have been doing this week, but that is ok. I still adhered to my "clean" plan as much as possible. Tomorrow, I'm going to do a typical "low" day. Then it will be one week down! It went fast! But weekends are definitely WAY harder to stick to clean eating. Maybe it's force of habit. Kids & husband are home and that is when we would typically have "fun" foods. It's very much a challenge and a struggle of mind and will.

Only 3 more days until I can get started on the full shapeshifter program. I can't wait! I could have my goal met by August!! If I'm a good girl and follow this plan - I will! That reminds me, I have officially set a new goal date; August 2nd. Yay! I have a goal to work for. I am ready for it.

p.s. I love when my husband compliments me on my hard body. He doesn't see my flaws, he sees the muscle that I've worked for years building, and I love that.

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