Thursday, September 29, 2011

I've got the magic in me (click to read full post)

Alright, I'm officially fed up with trying to go go go like a hamster on a wheel with all the cardio and getting nowhere. When they say it doesn't work for fat loss, they mean it! Plus, the added "bonus" of trying to eat less than I need to maintain and then getting wild cravings and pigging out on the wrong foods later, just isn't adding anything but misery to the mix. The thing that irritates me the most is I know better! I've read about it time and time again. Still, every once in a while there is some conflicting literature that will say "no no, all you need to do is burn more than you take in and use to maintain. Simple as that." Oh, and workout like a crazy friggin animal, as if there was nothing better to do with your time.

No. It's not that simple.

Your body processes foods differently. That is why I can't stuff myself with sweets all day - as long as I exercise it all off, stay below my caloric requirement for the day - and still be fit. Oh, I'll be fit if I get my heart rate up the suggested amount for heart health. But I won't look fit. And if I'm eating crappy foods, I'm still at risk for health issues later on. But my point is, if I'm going to workout to have a better body, I might as well eat the way I'm supposed to and back it up. Otherwise, I'm just wasting my time.

So, my long term goal is 6-8 months from now. I guess I will shoot for 8 months so that puts me right at the end of May (again). I'm not waiting for November. Screw that. I'm ready...NOW. I just can't take this nowhere-bound train any longer. I'm getting off at Realityville. I'm eating like a bodybuilder and I'm working out like a bodybuilder. No more pissing away my time. It's on!

And now a thank you....

In one of these gossip magazines that my mom gets (even though she never bought a subscription for it), they do these "20 things you didn't know about me" interviews with random famous people. Anderson Cooper did one not too long ago. And if you don't know who he is, he is a journalist and CNN anchor. I don't watch him but know who he is because sometimes, if my husband gets the itch for news, I might catch a glimpse. Anyway, he's a pretty lean looking guy. One of his "20 things" was - "I workout nearly every day. Yes, I know how annoying that sounds." And this statement (or the tone of it) is sort of the same reason I typically don't boast on Facebook about the workout I've just done. People don't care. They don't like to hear it. I think it's because they don't like to be reminded about their own personal lack of exercise or want to feel inferior. I would personally love to see more comments about a good workout then all the complaining and drama that is usually the case on Facebook. But then again, I workout so..... But, in my own experience, talking to people who don't have the bug like me, just don't want to hear it. And maybe even some that do, don't want to hear it all the time. That is why I have a fitness blog. Because I like to talk about it. It's a HUGE part of my life, it's a passion not everyone understands. I know only people who have a like mind about fitness and health will read it. And if you don't like what I have to say, you don't have to read it. So I don't feel like I have to hold back on my opinions and my take on certain issues pertaining to health and fitness. Because even though I research and read a LOT, most of the stuff I rant about is still just MY opinion. And I love my readers because they have open minds and their own opinions, which might be completely different from mine. And that's ok! It's what makes us all unique and interesting to each other. So thank you to my loyal readers (all two of you) for listening to me vent and complain and whine. For seeing me through failures and successes. For knowing exactly when to lift me up before I fall. For caring enough to leave comments, every one of them are precious to me. I'm lucky to have a network, however small, to connect with. Because it's hard to go it alone.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

im with you on that charlotte - no one wants to listen to my body building babble, no-one gets it or has any inerest in me doing it either!!! im here for ya and know you are for me too. what happened to shapeshifter? whats on the agenda for you now? there's less than 3 months left til xmas and im starting to panick. xmas for us mean bikinis and days at the beach. ive lost my spark, its just geting too hard, im bored with the food, im on a downhill spiral. im eating sandwiches, hot chips and biscuits with a cuppa - like NORMAL people do. and im putting on the fat again. aaarrrggghhh - i have to get myself out of this. i guess im just bored with how long and how had it is. anyway, let me know what your new workout and diet is - i need inspiration. i will stop whining now !!!