Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I am in heaven

This past week has been phenomenal. I'm really feeling great, I'm sleeping, I'm working hard at the gym...I really feel like I'm on track.

I've been seeing a counselor for a few weeks now and today she gave me a handout about mindfulness that I think will not only help me with my day-to-day issues, but with my body goals as well.

Mindfulness is a practical way to notice thoughts, physical sensations, sights, sounds, smells - anything we might not normally notice. It sounds simple but it is actually very different from how our minds normally behave, and because of this, takes LOTS of practice.

Having more control over my mind and thoughts is always something I knew I needed to work on. And I know that it is one thing that stands in the way of my ultimate body goals.

We are "in our heads" a lot of the time, thinking about what we have to do, what we have done, regretful thoughts of the past or worrying about future events. Instead, we should try regular daily tasks from more of a child-like perspective. For instance, instead of being "in our heads" while washing the dishes, we might think "listen to the bubbles, they're fun!". It makes us pay attention to the moment we are in and do it in a non-judgemental way. - taken from the handout I was given

I think if I can practice this and get it down, it will do WONDERS for me. I'm the type of person who often feels overwhelmed easily. I get distracted. I can be on my way upstairs to get something for a task I am doing downstairs and become distracted by a mess in the hallway, so instead of getting the thing I first needed, I start cleaning up the mess. Then I see something else that needs attention, and maybe something else, until I finally realize I still haven't done what I first set out to do. And an hour might have gone by. Hence, the feeling that I never get done what I need to do.

There are breathing exercises I can do. And meditation (although I wonder when it will ever be quiet in this house to actually do it). I have been taking active steps this past week to decrease my stress by getting enough sleep (I've been falling asleep to relaxation music) and journaling every night, and just walking away from stressful situations. It's really working for me. I think that if I keep going with this, it will help immensely with my body goals. I will start to notice myself in a more positive light and Lord knows I need that!

I actually have an audio that I listen to about mindful eating. I have had it for years. I like it because the man's voice is so pleasant and relaxing.

I still find myself standing in front of the mirror every day, hoping to see the change I long for. And although I still see the same issues, I do feel improvement. It's in the way I fit into my once tight pants, it's in the way my butt doesn't sag quite like it used to, and it's in the way I catch a glance of myself in the mirror and feel proud of the body I have sculpted so far. Sure, I have a long way to go to be the hard body I long to be, but I also have to look at what I've been able to accomplish for myself so far. I am going to spend a lot more time focusing on changing my thought patterns so that I can see things in a more positive way. It will create a better me all around, not just in physical appearance, but in emotional and mental health as well.

I am all for being whole healthy. It doesn't make any sense to be an avid exerciser and then eat junk food all the time. What's the point? Nor does it make any sense for someone to put years of hard work into improving their body, yet never appreciating that they actually have improved. Eh hem...guilty. My daughter (Hanna) has taught me about the importance of the health triangle And no I'm not talking about the food pyramid, I mean the Health Triangle. It's physical health, social health and mental health. All three sides of the health triangle are dependent on each other. Devoting more attention to one particular side, while neglecting the others, can lead to health imbalances. And I think based on that, I've got to get myself balanced. Hanna may only be 14 but she is smart enough to notice things about her mom, even though mom may try her best to hide them. And the fact that she noticed me struggling and brought up what she learned in school about the health triangle really proves to me how smart and thoughtful she is.

"Consider the person who is meticulous about diet and exercise. This person will often neglect socializing with friends for fear of missing a workout. He may avoid having dinner with people because of strict dietary rules. This individual may have excellent physical health, but his social health is inadequate. This can lead to loneliness, which might eventually compromise mental health."

Read more: The Health Triangle: Mental, Social, & Physical Definitons |

Anyway, just thought I'd share what I learned today.

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