Monday, October 3, 2011

I got this

Day 1 was....easy.

I've been so mentally prepared for this and having a jump on the clean eating really made this easy. I feel SO good. I mean, I feel really genuinely good. I've been eating, carbs and all, and I feel leaner and smaller already. I just feel healthy all around. This is something I can handle.

Let me share with you some wonderful words of wisdom, taken from an article I found on (I think). I highlighted the key points I wish to remember:

"Now, these rules are obviously easier said than done, but the key to success is thinking LONG TERM. Having a beer, cheat meal, or sugary fruit will provide short-term satisfaction, but will ultimately lead to you to fail the most important goal of all - your diet. You have to make your diet the highest priority, and proper diets take time to see results.
Just tell yourself that you're in it for the long haul, and you're going to avoid all the speed bumps. How much more satisfied will you be, knowing that you dedicated yourself, sacrificed, and now have a lean-and-cut body to show off? Sure, you're going to be surrounded by all these temptations during your diet, but hey, all you have to do is say, "No" - it's that simple. And once you look in the mirror at the end of your diet, you'll finally get to say, "Yes!"

My workout seemed simple on paper but as I was into it I realized that I have a lot of ground to make up. I've lost a lot of strength. I put my ego away and lowered the weight because "proper form before ego" means a lot. I put the weight I typically lifted on the bar and had to lower it because it was just too much. I was A LOT stronger than I ever gave myself credit for. Being away from it so long, I jumped right in and my old elbow injury was really flaring up. Hoping that will go away again with time. I could hardly raise my arms up to wash my hair in the shower afterward so that equals successful workout to me ;)

I was asked about supplements. This is what I do:
(pre workout) 2 tabs glutamine
(post workout) 2 tabs glutamine and 2 tabs BCAAs
GNC ultra mega multi 
1500mg calcium
1000mcg chromium
Glucosamine 3 times per day - insurance for my knees
EFAs daily (high quality krill oil)
50 mg zinc - might hold back on this soon because I read it might block absorption of other nutrients
200 mg vitamin b6
1000 mg vitamin C
5 htp - for sleep and mood
And the rest are just extra stuff I take for liver and circulation stuff (curcumin, milk thistle, gotu kola, grapeseed)

I'm might scrap the extra supps after I get a good month or so of super clean eating under my belt. But all the other stuff is pretty much part of the stack that Jamie recommends.

You know, I have not been sick in a long LOOOOOONG time. Don't remember the last time I even had a sniffle. People around me are sick all the time, I never catch it. Knock on wood! Don't know if my supplements have anything to do with it

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