Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm not scared anymore

This is a super exciting post for me. Why?

Yesterday I did something I rarely do. I overcame fear, anxiety and intimidation. I stepped out [way out] of my comfort zone. I joined a gym!

[in a Wonderpets voice] "this is serious"

After looking at the Phase 3 video on the fit trainer I realized that if I want to get the most from my workouts, I'm going to need the gym. Jamie stressed the importance of cable exercises because of the constant tension on the muscle. And I'm totally excited to try a leg press and a proper squat rack! I'm excited to finally have a chance to use a wide variety of equipment and have endless opportunity.

I almost feel sad for my little home gym :(  I feel like comforting it and saying, "don't worry, I'll still come down once in a while". It is convenient to have equipment at home but I now know that no amount of equipment in my basement would give me the motivation I will get at the gym.

Just the feeling I got when I walked into the lifting area was phenomenal. I can't even describe it, almost like when you are searching for something for a really long time and then finally find it. I felt like I was home. The energy in there instantly gave me more motivation and I know that when I'm at the gym I will push harder than ever before.

I got the tour and I felt comfortable with the place instantly. This is going to change me.

I'm ready to take my body to a new level this year!

Years ago, I overcame an anxiety when I ran a half marathon. I am not a super independent person and so doing something like that alone, in a group of people that large, was really an accomplishment for me. I wasn't in it to see how fast I could run it. All I cared about was getting out there in the crowd and overcoming a fear. That was a pivotal moment in my life. It changed me on the inside. I started to believe in myself a little more. Every now and then someone will ask me why I don't ever run in any marathons anymore. I usually just shrug my shoulders and say that I don't like the training. But the truth is, it's because I don't have anything more to prove. I already conquered that mountain, I don't need to do it again.

And now that I've conquered another mountain, I really do feel on top of the world! Nothing can hold me back.

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