Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pre-day 1: How I'm preparing

The last 3 days (approx) I've been cleaning up my diet, shopping for and cooking strictly clean foods, in prep for my next step. Starting tomorrow (Monday) will begin my next body building routine. I'm following Jamie Eason's 12 week plan. It has 3 phases: in the first phase there is NO cardio at all.

I might find that difficult. The past 4 days with no working out have been a challenge. And I think it will be hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I will be doing no cardio and in the end it will help me achieve my goal. It's part of that thing in my brain I fight with, that tells me to lose fat I need to kill myself with outrageous amounts of cardio. (p.s. I tried that this summer. Did it work? No. I look exactly the same as I did before). But I do still like to go for 30 minute runs outside. And from time to time, I am just in the mood to throw in a DVD from my workout collection for a fun and different way to get my heart rate up. I'm one to get bored easily if I have to do the same thing over and over day after day. So I need the change up.

In phase two: I think she introduces some cardio into the mix. I'm not exactly sure though because I've only read up on phase 1. Why read ahead and possibly psych myself out. I was going to try to stay in the here and now, remember. And also, I caught a glimpse of carb cycling in phase 3. Yikes! But by then I'll have clean eating down to a science and cycling shouldn't be that bad.

I bought a small journal type book that I am writing only healthy clean recipes in. I find it so frustrating at times when I'm trying to think of something good to make for dinner and I either can't find a single recipe that falls into the "clean" category because I've procrastinated and don't have time to do endless Internet searches. This way, I can just thumb through my book of delicious favorites. I need to constantly keep adding new and yummy recipes and ideas into my new book so I don't get bored. Because boiled chicken and broccoli every night does NOT excite me. So far the book idea is really working out great! I've already found and made several meals and protein bars. It's going to be my savior! The only thing I'm a bit worried about is that while Jamie does post some terrific recipes, there just aren't that many of them. So I'll be on the hunt constantly. If you have any you'd like to share, I'd love to hear from you!

Eating much of the same things every day is pretty convenient and doesn't bother me for the most part. During the day, I generally eat a lot of the same things and it works. I find it's a lot easier because I don't have to think about it. Dinner is where I like more of a variety, and I know my family does too. It's also more of a challenge because they are pretty picky about certain habits I have (i.e. sneaking protein powder, flax, wheat germ into food or swapping out fatty cuts of meat for leaner versions). And a lot of the time, it's easier make sure I'm eating all my veggies when I just cook them into the meat. While my husband doesn't mind that, my kids are not very happy about it. Especially things like onions and mushrooms - two of my favorites.

It's hard when not everyone in the house is as gung ho as you are about eating for health. I think the key is just keep trying until you hit on recipes that everyone enjoys and remember to throw those into the rotation more often. Plus, it really doesn't take a lot of brains to figure out that just cooking a lean piece of meat, steaming a vegetable and making a pot of brown rice is a super simple and basic healthy meal that has many many options for variation. One night it could be steamed fish & asparagus in foil alongside brown rice. The next night could be chicken breast, sweet potato and steamed broccoli. And then grilled flank steak, a salad and couscous. It's not difficult.

It becomes a little harder when you want to cook all time favorites and make them healthier yet still lovable. For instance, my kids LOVE tater tot hotdish and I maybe make it for them twice a year. They never get it because tater tots are not exactly healthy and neither is the creamy sauce. But mainly I don't make it because I love it too. And I can't stop at a 1 cup serving. I could eat half a 9x13 pan! When you have trouble with portion control and going back for seconds (eh, it's best just to not make it at all.

There are options. It doesn't have to be tasteless or difficult. But it does require some research and planning. Especially if you are new to it. And a lot of reading nutrition labels at the store. I like to follow this rule: the fewer ingredients the better. That means it's close to it's natural state and less processed.

I have it in my head that this is the way it's going to be. No excuses. And unless I get lazy and slack off with planning ahead, this lifestyle will be very manageable. All these years I just assumed it would be too much work. Or something that only someone with the best will power and mind control could do. But the truth is, anyone with the determination and drive to succeed can do this. And that includes me!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

hey charlotte im doing jamie with you!!! im not going to blog about it - another broken promise and challenge ive failed - i feel i have no cred and everyone will think "here we go again - empty promises". so im just doin' it. i am, however, jumping in at stage 2 coz i feel thats where im at. please post recipes - im so bored with meat and veg and need some tasty dishes to keep me going. im going through my oxygen mags and will post the good ones. you're right - jamie doesnt have many recipes but i will try the protein one. her programme seems pretty simple. i absolutely trashed myself over the weekend so tomorrow (tuesday) im on it. what sups are you going to take?