Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 30 - chest/abs/cardio

Second day of Phase 2.

I am surprised at how long I was at the gym today. I dropped Hanna off at school at 8:30 then went straight to the gym. When I left, it was 10:30. Of course some of that time is in the locker room before and after, but still, 2 hours is a long time. It's longer now that I have to add 30 minutes of cardio to the end of my weight training. I have a feeling my weight is really going to start to drop now. It has me a bit concerned. Hopefully I can get the muscle to catch up.

I felt like I had a really great workout today. I'm starting to really get to know the equipment, where everything I need is, what is available and how to make it function for my needs. For cardio I did the elliptical for 20 minutes, then I did sprints on the treadmill for the last 10 minutes. I just couldn't take the elliptical any longer. I'm not a fan.

Strength workout as follows:
wide grip BB bench press - 8 @ 60lbs X 5 sets

push ups - 10 X 3 sets (as scheduled for 15 reps per set but the bench press must have worn me out cuz I could barely make the 10 reps.....sheesh, what has happened to me?)

cable crossover - 15lbs each side for 10 reps X 3 sets, plus 4 @ 20lbs

smith machine incline bench press - just lifted the bar (45lbs) 8/8/7 reps

side to side push ups - didn't do these because my arms were spent. will have to get them done tonight.

toe touchers - 10 X 3
crunches - 10 X 3
(was supposed to do 20 of each on each set)
end superset

roman chair - 10 X 3

cable crunch - 10 @ 90lbs/ 10 @ 100lbs / 12 @ 100lbs/ 6 @ 110lbs

30 minute cardio

There you have it. I'm a bit disappointed that I sometimes can't do all the reps scheduled for the weight I'm using but I can only do what I'm capable of. Most of these exercises I'm doing to failure on the last set (with the exception of abs), and in some cases I have to stop for a couple seconds before I can even get all 10 (incline BB press & push ups last set).

Training to failure is a skill that takes time to learn. It's totally a mental game. I need to get past the set number of reps being 8 or 10 or 12 and just keep pushing past it until I just can't lift another rep.

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