Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 11, Wednesday


Breakfast: Fiber One Cereal, 1% milk

WORKOUT: 30 Day Shred, 20 minute walk at incline

AM Snack: 1 whole egg, 4 whites omelet w/ havarti cheese & salsa

Lunch: 1 slice WW bread with natural peanut butter

PM Snack: Fiber One Cereal

Dinner: 3 small ribs, 1 twice baked potato half, cauliflower w/ cheese sauce, salad, glass red wine

Dessert: chocolate cake w/ frosting

OVERALL: OK, I know this was NOT a high carb/calorie day BUT we were going to have guests over for dinner, and sometimes to save myself the embarrassment of explaining why I'm eating something completely different from the rest of the group, I just eat what's there (in moderation). See, whenever I try to explain to anyone my system of calorie zig zagging, or that I'm not eating carbs past 3pm, or that I'm trying to "lean out", I get the same response. "WHY?? You are already so skinny!!"

Well, this may seem like an awesome compliment but it actually embarrasses me. See, most everyone has body issues, even swimsuit models! While I am at a very healthy weight and I am quite lean, there are problem areas I feel could use some improvement. For instance, my backside and my thighs are nowhere near swim suit ready. I am sick and tired of missing out on going to the beach and the pool with my kids because I am ashamed of my legs.

Overweight people never understand this. They laugh at me and tell me how ridiculous it sounds. But I have a goal for myself, and I'm just not going to be satisfied until I reach it. I am ashamed to be seen in a swim suit because I feel like people are looking at my jiggly lumpy thighs in disgust. They probably are shocked to see someone at my weight have such terribly unattractive legs.

I blame it on my 20's. I always used to be able to eat whatever, whenever and still maintain a stick figure. (I will mention though that I was never happy with my thighs, even as a teenager) Then I turned 21 and discovered alcohol. I liked it....too much. I was in college and living in a town where places like McDonalds and Hardees were available to me whenever I felt the urge. Unlike growing up where the nearest fast food place was 30 minutes away. I went crazy! I was careless. I gained weight. Well, I gained FAT. I just wish that I could have started my passion for health and exercise a little sooner.

Anyway (I'm getting windy here) my point is, sometimes your diet doesn't always go as planned. And you have to expect that. I knew I was going to be "naughty" and have ribs and a potato at 6pm and even cake. But I'm OK with that, the little indulges now and then are fine. It doesn't derail me from my goal, I don't just throw in the towel and say, "well, I blew the day, might as well blow the rest of the week too". NO WAY! I'm going to be diligent and consistent. And that is what is going help me acheive my goal!

p.s. that cake was great!

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