Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 6 of 14

Today was a rest day, so no workout to report on. We started out for a bike ride, all five of us, which I was super excited about, but it hit a snag. We bought this tag-a-long which is like a bike with only one wheel that you hook to the back of another bike so a child who is too big for a bike seat can ride with you. I have a 5 year old (in a couple weeks) so it is perfect. But we didn't get very far before having problems with it. For some reason when I would hit a bump, the tire would lock up. We are scratching our heads trying to figure this out. I guess we'll have to call the 800 number to see if they can help.

Anyway, diet started out great. It was just the hubs and I (kids spent the night at grandma's) so we decided to go out for breakfast together....alone! I ordered 2 eggs, 2 whites, plain oatmeal and cottage cheese. I was such a good girl. Lunchtime, I made a picnic for the girls and I had an Ezekiel english muffin with natural peanut butter and some nonfat plain Greek yogurt. Then, I had my chocolate protein powder and spinach shake like I do every day. And at dinner time, I made hamburgers. I was good, had to small pattys without a bun (as planned) and oodles of cherry tomatoes. But here's where it takes a turn for the worst......

I made crinkle cut fries for the kiddies because it's Saturday and I wanted to treat them. My husband made chocolate shakes (ice cream and chocolate sauce). I made the mistake of tasting it. OMG - it was SOOOOO good. And of course I had to dunk some fries in it.

Ok ok, I can live with that. But then, we had all these chips in the pantry for our Mother's Day BBQ (the whole family is coming over) and I opened a bag of kettle cooked chips and had a bowl. Right before bed too. UGH! Can you see me sliding downhill?

I don't know why I do this to myself. See, it just goes to show that if it's in the house, you know it's there and crave it hardcore. I honestly don't know how I ever made it 3 months without ANYTHING naughty....that was an incredible thing. Right now, I still eat mostly clean with a slip up now and then, and I can live with that. But is that going to bring my results to a screeching halt? I know that by taking it slow and persevering, doing the clean eating during the week and having one treat meal Saturday and Sunday will work. Eventually. But I wanted quick. Quick does not mean easy. Oh this is stressful.

So what now? I'm pretty sure I've screwed up my entire week now (since I had tortilla chips also this week for cinco de mayo). And tomorrow morning, I'll take my measurements and there will be no change so I'll crumple on the floor in a blubbery snotty mess because I feel like I try SO HARD and I have SO MUCH determination and it's ALL I EVER think about and yet.....I just can't get there. It's just not fair. Are a couple slip ups now and then really the reason I can get rid of my thigh fat?

Well, I'm finished with the pity party. Like always, I will get back up and try again.
"Fall seven times, stand up eight."

I just don't know if I should try the carb cycling thing again or if I should just go back to standard clean eating. Because carb cycling is so stressful for me that I think I set myself up to fail every time I do it. If I just eat clean and healthy, carbs and all, at least I'm satisfied and don't feel cravings. Maybe it's the stress that doesn't do me any favors. I should just try and eliminate all the stress I can and see if that helps. Maybe I try too hard?

Anyway, happy mother's day to all you fabulous mothers out there! Have a great day.


Amanda said...

hey charlotte, reading your post today is exactly whats going on in MY head !!!!! its so much the same its scary!!! wouldnt it be nice to get past the weekend without binging of some sort. i did the same this weekend but blamed it on mothers day as we went out. my good eating for the whole week comes undone on the weekend so i'll never get that edge - i always seem to be neutralising the good part of the week. its a constant battle and im obsessed with it but im not strong enough to overcome it. if i didnt have it in the house or have to cook different for the kids i really think i could do it but when you're making choc chip home made cookies how do you stop tasting them with they are still warm from the oven????????? i'll stop raving on and hopefully have a good workout at the gym tonight. hang in there charlotte!!!

Charlotte said...

I know!! I could eat perfectly Monday thru friday but as soon as the weekend is here, it's like a switch turns on in my brain that says MUST EAT JUNK! I'm so sick of it! I'm going to have to stop buying treats for the rest of the clan. I'm the one who does the shopping so it's my fault. If they want it that bad, they'll have to go to the store themselves!