Sunday, May 1, 2011

Plans for this week

Horrible cheat day out of the way. Yuck! Moving on...

Plans/goals for this week are as follows:

1) Tomorrow, I will indeed start my 2 week fat torching "diet". Basically it will consist of carb/calorie cycling. But this time, it's way more intense than any cycling I've done before. The only carbs I get on low days, will be from veggies. I have a feeling I will be slightly cranky for the next 2 weeks. BUT, there is only 31 days until my goal now. I have GOT to do this. And I have got to do it perfectly. I can do anything for just 2 weeks. I'll need all the support I can get! *hint hint*

2) Keep up with the circuit training 5 days/week. Add HIIT to 3 days. Add a steady pace walk to 2 days. AND, I hope to have the energy to jump on the mini tramp a couple of times also. I know that is a lot to shoot for but, I need to kick it up a notch. No, 10 notches.

3) Keep my sanity. This is important. Over the next two weeks I will be prone to crabbiness, shortness with my kids and asking myself "why am I doing this". But I need to spend each day quietly reflecting the reason I need to take it to this drastic level. I absolutely KNOW this is going to work, I just have to DO it! If someone were to hand me a guarantee that I would absolutely lose fat from my thighs within the next 2 weeks and this is all I had to do, I would do it and it wouldn't seem so bad! Well, no one is handing it to me personally but that is basically what is going to happen. I will drop body fat and I will lose it from the areas where it hangs on for dear life. And it will happen in just a couple short weeks. Those last pounds of fat will leave my body and I will have achieved my goal BY GOAL DATE! And I will be happy. Sure beats months of trial and error and guessing and hoping and working like a hamster in a wheel. Just 2 weeks!

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