Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Report for Tuesday

No morning HIIT for me today. I was exhausted this morning. I have a sick child who was up at 5:00 and then my husband woke me at 7:00 when he left for work (which is early for him). I was dreaming when he woke me and it is NOT typical for me to still be asleep at 7:00.

I never used to be a morning person. I guess having children forces you to become one. But I love it.

Anyway, I am still planning on getting HIIT in but I will do it 3 hours after dinner, so around 8pm. Also, I think I have my butt workout today. That's ok, it's one of the easier ones I think. My abs are a little sore today but not nearly as bad as last week. My buns still hurt from Monday though so the butt workout should be interesting ;)

Diet has been clean and good so far this week. I haven't been keeping meticulous track of calories but if I don't see any change after this week (providing I can continue being a good girl through Sunday), I might have to start keeping track. But I don't think I've gone overboard on anything. I tried keeping my carbs limited to 2 per day but that isn't working for me. I've ramped up my workout load so I need more fuel. Now, I'm happy if I keep it to 3. I think yesterday it was 4 but oh well. I ran around the yard chasing the dog with the kids last night so I'm sure I burned it off ;)


Amanda said...

you look amazing! i wish i was lean like you i cant wait to get to that stage where your muscles show without doing a workout first - my arms only look like that after i've been to the gym!!! your bum doesnt look big to me - are you being over critical coz you look very shapely and have FAB definition! you should be very proud of what you've achieved and i cant wait to look like you !! xxx

Charlotte said...

Amanda, you always leave such uplifting comments. I love ya! It's true, I can be hard on myself at times but it's only because I am not "there" yet. I know I am not at my body's full potential and I have to keep pushing to get there. I am very happy with my body in general, but I have to nit pick at my legs because they do NOT match my upper body in the least. If I was brave enough to show you a backside picture, you'd understand what I mean ;)