Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 4

G-ma didn't think she could make it to 10 minutes this I made her go 11. HAHAHAHAHA! I don't think she'll EVER learn NOT to say negative things cuz I just make her push harder.

The words "I can't" don't belong here!

Right after her 11 minute walk she went into strength training. Her workout is as follows:

The bridge - 8 reps, 4 sec hold
Ab leg lowering - 5 reps
Crunches - 8 reps, 2 sec hold
Lotus - 8 reps, 2 sec hold
Leg raises (on knees) - 8 reps, 2 sec hold
Standing leg kickbacks - 8 reps, 2 sec hold
Squats (to chair) - 8 reps
Dead lifts - 8 reps, 10 lb dumbbells
Sitting quad raise - 8 reps, 2 sec hold
Military Press - 8 reps, 5 lb dumbbells
Bicep curls - 4 reps @ 5 lb, 8 reps @ 10 lb dumbbells
Tricep kickbacks - 8 reps, 3 lb dumbbells
DB Row - 8 reps, 12 lb dumbbells
Lat. raises - 8 reps, 3 lb dumbbells

This workout pretty much kicked her butt so I only made her do 1 set.

On a slightly different note: I tried a new metabolic circuit yesterday. KICKED MY BUTT!! Between that and weights the day hamstrings and glutes (and for some reason my triceps) are HURT-ING TO-DAY!!!!!! love it

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