Saturday, May 23, 2009

Days 13 & 14

G-ma (aka- Super G) did weights Friday:

8 reps each - 1 set

Squats to chair
Military Press - 8lb DB
DB Rows - 10 lb DB
Standing Leg Extensions
Deadlifts - 10 lb DB
Slow leg lower (abs)

She worked out like a champ. DAAAAAANG, she can work the weights when she wants to. Now, I need to get her to do 2 sets next time. NO SISSY GIRLS ALLOWED!!!

And today (Saturday) we had a bit of a crisis on our hands. Since it's Emma's 3rd birthday tomorrow, Farmor and Farfar came to visit from Sweden. And as always (bless her heart), Farmor brought sweets.....LOTS of sweets. Toblerone, coffee cake, cobbler, gummies, bulk assorted candy, Mercier, marzipan, Punschrulle.....OH DEAR LORD, the wills were tested today!!!!! I have to be honest, I simply could not bear to let Super G look on as we all indulged in this gorge & barf-o-rama. I let her have a sliver of coffee cake and half a punschrulle. She was able to have a sweet treat without overindulging. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, but she wanted to, let me tell you!! Hopefully straying slightly from her diet won't cost her too many calories since the big weigh in is tomorrow!!!!

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