Tuesday, June 19, 2012

this is me

Well, second day with no sugary treats. Although I did have a protein bar for snack. I don't know if that counts as a cheat? My husband had apricot preserves on his toast last night and we all know that stuff is all sugar, so if that didn't count, I don't think my protein bar does.

Anyway, I had a huge headache towards evening yesterday and I'm wondering if that is the effects of getting off sugar. Could be, I guess.

Today I ate a lot of bread. 4 pieces over the course of 2 meals. I usually only eat MAYBE one per day and it's always Ezekiel sprouted grain bread. But today, I ate Andreas' 12 grain. I made oats for breakfast (as usual) and had 3 egg whites. I couldn't finish the oats, I just couldn't. I jumped on the elliptical (no bike this time) because I wanted to burn a quick and easy 350 calories. It took me 40 minutes. But I was drained by the end, probably from lack of substantial breakfast.

There is this picture floating around facebook of the rear ends of 3 different women. Maybe you've seen it? The first is fat and saggy and full of cellulite labeled: neglect. The second is thin but super saggy and with no tone labeled: diet. The last is a gorgeous round booty, obviously built with weight training labeled: diet and exercise. I want to "like" it so bad but I think it might be one of those pictures that could offend some people I know. So I didn't. But I truly believe this picture. Diet alone will only get you so far. And obviously no diet or exercise will get you flabby. There should be another picture on there though, the skinny fat girl. You know, the one that looks good in clothes but underneath it all she's a soft lumpy mess. That one should be labeled exercise - and whatever the hell food she wants. I'm the poster child for that one!!

I sometimes really hate the fact that I'm so afraid of offending people. It seems like more and more there is an over abundance of people who don't think before they speak and if they do they don't care who they offend. Honestly, I always wished I could be someone like that. But I'm also a little happy that I'm the quiet and shy girl because I tend to stay out of trouble that way. Of course that personality type hasn't won over tons of friends for me either. Why is it that the loud obnoxious people have all the friends?? Not that I mind, I'm generally too busy to have much of a social life anyway. I find it difficult to imagine how I would manage it. It always seems like I'm on the go. Running errands for us and for my mom. [Trying] to keep up with this house. Getting to the gym. Making sure I leave time for having fun with the kids. And really trying, but never seeming to have enough time to get my photos ready to sell. Yeah, I'm trying to start a business but it's SO time consuming and it's always on the back burner because there is always something more important that needs to be done.

I am so thankful that I don't have a job outside the home because to tell you the truth, I don't know when I would workout. Probably in the evening. I'm not the type of person who likes to get her sweat on right after I roll out of bed. I may be awake at 5:30-6:00am (as soon as it's light out) but I'm not ready to workout. Or eat. And I'm NOT going to workout on an empty stomach. People believe that burns more fat. But I think it just sacrifices more muscle. I'm totally content with my workout schedule. It works really well for me. Somewhere between 9 -10am is perfect. Eden is a light sleeper and early riser so she is usually up with me. But Emma is in bed until 9 or 9:30. That girl can sleep! Now that Hanna is gone I have had to leave my girls at Grandma's house when I go to the gym. Otherwise, it's SO AWESOME to have a live in babysitter at my disposal. She doesn't mind it either - cha ching$$!!

There are certain blogs that are so preachy at times. This one included, I admit! The one thing that gets to me a little bit is when people with jobs outside the home, who have to get up before the sun rises to workout, will actually sound like they are disgusted by people like me who can basically workout whenever they feel like it. They are so amazing because they wake up at 4am. I must not be as dedicated. Why the hell should it matter when I do my workout? I'm doing it, that's all that matters to me. You have a great time with your feeling of superiority, I'll be sleeping in (if you can call 6am sleeping in)....cuz I can. *wink*

Of course, anyone with a job outside the home that disses a stay at home mom like myself because they think we don't "work" is my number one annoyance in the world. But I won't get into that. My cousin blogs about her family and what's it's like to be a stay at home mom of 3 small children. She's a passionate and caring mother and very talented writer. She shares really great stories about her life at home with all the ups and downs of being a fellow "non worker". I know this is a fitness outlet but if you have some extra time, you should browse through her posts. Good stuff!


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