Thursday, December 16, 2010

Keep that motivation going, no matter what!

Been sore this week. Hamstrings, butt, and triceps mainly. I've been experiencing a lot of tension around my back, shoulders and into my neck. I have assumed thus far that it is due to stress (I've been so stressed out and crabby lately...don't get me started) but I'm wondering if it has anything to do with my weight routine.

I'm using a barbell with a total of 30lbs for my metabolic circuit. I keep the weight the same for every exercise since it's to be done quickly with no rest, so switching weights is not an option. It would be a pain anyway.

I do seem to struggle on the last two rounds with the military presses and I'm starting to wonder if that has anything to do with my shoulder, neck and back aches lately. 30lbs is not a lot, and I am able to finish all 8 reps, all 5 rounds. Who knows.

Exercise is supposed to give you energy and put you in a good mood and do all kinds of wonderful things but lately I seem to be nothing but tired, sore and crabby. I wish I knew what was causing my funk. I also wish it was as easy as just deciding to be in a happy jolly mood and BAM, happiness. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to make that work for me yet.

The one thing that drives me to continue to lift weights and keep up with my circuit training is RESULTS. Plain and simple. I am seeing them. For the first time in years it seems, I am seeing little changes in my body and it makes me feel like I can actually see a light at the end of this tunnel! Finally! That is the perfect motivation. Because no matter how frustrated I get, no matter how many times I cheat on my diet and feel horrible about myself, no matter how many times I measure my legs and come up with the same number, I can strip down to my underwear, look in the mirror and SEE changes happening to my body. And I'm fired up all over again!

What usually happens is I am consistently training hard and eating well, expecting to see some changes for the better when I take my measurements at the start of the next week. Then nothing. So the next week I work even harder, eat even better. Still nothing. It's the most horrible, awful, helpless, confusing, depressing feeling in the world. I KNOW I have room to improve. I KNOW there is a way to do it. I KNOW I am doing all the right things, but obviously something is missing. It's just so frustrating. I've tried eating less, eating more, eating better, cheating more, switching exercises, switching days, alternating load.....EVERYTHING. And my friggin measurements just...won't....budge. WTF??? See? This is why I get crabby. Well, that and my kids are pretty talented when it comes to pushing my buttons too ;)

That's when it's extremely crucial for me to stand in front of the mirror and tell myself that I have come a looooong way! I am more defined than ever. I am lean and healthy. And I look good. I have to do this or I fear that I would fall into a sobbing, chocolate-y mess on the couch and never get up.

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