Monday, December 13, 2010

Rest Day

Saturday was a metabolic circuit training day. Sunday was a weights day. Today, I rest! Ahhhh.....

So what will I do with myself? I plan on Christmas baking. I love it and hate it at the same time. I love it because, well, I love to bake. I hate it because I also like to eat the stuff I bake. And right now, it isn't going to help my progress to eat a bunch of cookies. Even if they are made with stevia, they are still full of white flour.

It's pointless to be working as hard as I am and then erase it all with cookies. I will eat some, I'm not going to deprive myself of the joys of the season, I just know how to do it strategically ;) Because, believe it or not, when you eat the naughty stuff matters. There is a way to have your cake and eat it too! Just not the whole thing, k?

Anyway, from a fitness standpoint, training is still right on. I'm on week 2 of my metabolic circuit routine. I am excited for week 6 and dreading how hard it's going to get. BUT, I know that with the progression leading up to week 6, I'll be able to handle it. I am hoping by then my abs are just going to pop right out like 3D. The next two weeks of the Christmas holiday will be the biggest challenge, as diet ALWAYS is.

I'm hoping it helps erase a little jiggle from my legs as well but I'm not getting too optimistic about it. Since I'm trying to build muscle right now, there may be a little extra fat added in the process. But then come spring, it'll be time to tone down the muscle building and ramp up the fat burning. And that means cardio. Blech.

I'm not completely opposed to it. I actually like it most of the time. But if you read me, you know that I would much rather pick up a barbell than pound away on the treadmill for hours a week. And I bad mouth running a little more than I should. Running is ok. I do enjoy it from time to time. But I like to run when it's my terms, "Hmmm, it's nice out I should go for a run." or "I have so much energy, I think I'll spend it on the treadmill." Not when it's a chore like, "Ugh, I have to get my run in so I can log 4.5 hours this week." or "I have to burn off this extra flab before summer." Exercise should be fun, you should enjoy it or you just won't stick with it.

But there are plenty of ways to get around the cardio rut. I'm probably not going to do steady state running every day. Kill me now. I'm going to make it exciting with some high intensity intervals. Sweat my butt off (literally). Or throw in one of the 20 DVDs I own. Or do some plyometrics, maybe? But that is about 3 months away, I've got to stay focused on the now.

What is your favorite way to stay in shape?? Feel free to comment ;)

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