Monday, April 26, 2010

Another injury

Gosh darn it all, people! I'm injured again!!

Sprained my ankle this time, playing basketball. At least, I think it's just a sprain. Went to the ER right after it happened because it swelled up pretty bad almost instantaneously. Dr. said she thought she saw a chip in the bone but couldn't be 100% sure. The radiologist was supposed to call me the next day and let me know but never did.

Anyway, I see an ortho dr. tomorrow. I've been in a boot and using crutches since it happened (last Thursday night). Today I started walking on it with the boot on. Seems to be OK although it does get sore after a while. So mostly I'm sitting with my foot up, surfing on my laptop.

Needless to say, my exercise routine is at a serious standstill. May even have to push my goal date back. UGH! But, I was able to do some weight training exercises yesterday. This is what I was able to accomplish with the boot on (and I was very careful):

deadlifts w/ 15lb dumbbells - did quite a few, maybe around 50

one legged deadlifts - 'bout 20 of 'em

rows w/ 10lb dumbbells - 20

bicep curls w/ 10lb dumbbells - 20

leg lifts on floor - 3 sets of 15 each leg

bent leg lifts on floor - 3 sets of 15 each leg

push ups on knees - 3 sets of 10

tricep dips - 3 sets of 10

Ab work - hip lifts, knee ins, bicycle

I may have forgotten one or two but that looks about right. I did as much as I could, lots of reps and no rest, so I could get a good sweat going and keep my heart rate elevated. Gotta do whatcha can, right? I could have done more but I was starting to feel light-headed, it had been a while since I had eaten and I had been doing nothing but lay around the past two days. I hate to think of how long it will take me to build up endurance again. Oh well. I guess this is the perfect opportunity to build up the muscle in my right leg, which seem considerably smaller than the left for some reason. I have had to so everything with my right leg since the injury, bending, squatting, etc., so it actually might do some good.

I was planning on running with my kids in their fun run (they can have one adult run with them if they want - and they wanted) but I don't know if that will be possible now. It's almost a month away but I really have NO CLUE how long it will be before I am able to run again.

I guess I should welcome the little break. Sometimes you have to take a step back to move two steps forward. It's always so hard for me to make myself take a break from working out, but this way, I have no choice. Who knows, it could prove to be just what I needed when I'm all healed up and back in the game. Trying to keep a positive attitude!!

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