Thursday, April 8, 2010

Had a bad day...

You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around...

Yep, had me a bad day. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the typical ND wind wasn't blowing 50 mph to ruin it for once! I took my Emma for a looooong ride in her wagon, we came home and ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then we played out in the back yard. We hid jelly beans in the grass for the other to find, we kicked the soccer ball around, and I did some much needed gardening while she played toys on the deck. Doesn't sound like a bad day does it?

Actually it was perfect. So perfect that I didn't want to spoil it by worrying about when I was going to fit my workout in or not enjoy brats on the grill with my family.

You see, some days I tend to be over careful and meticulous about my diet and fitness regimen. Ok, ok....MOST days. And although I pride myself on the hard work I do to improve my health and fitness, it can sometimes feel to me like it's taking away from the REALLY fun stuff. The important stuff like enjoying a carefree day with my kids.

And then sometimes, life creeps up on you. I put off my morning workout session because it was so beautiful that I just wanted to get out there. I fully intended on getting it done in the evening but then I had to help my oldest with her homework until 8pm. Then, my husband who seemed a little desperate for attention, asked if I wanted to watch a movie with him. We hardly every get time alone to snuggle and watch movies I caved.

And not only did I skip out on the workout, but I ate brats and WHITE BUNS (sin of all sins, right) when I was supposed to grill myself a chicken breast. Well, it just so happens that I forgot to take the bird boob out of the freezer, and then when it came to be supper time I panicked. AND, I had a piece of cheesecake. AND, I had some Ritz crackers with easy cheese.

Total failure.

But, I can't look at it that way. Instead, I'm going to look back on the day for what it was. Absolutely fabulous!

We are ALL human. We slide once and a while. I slid today and I enjoyed myself. Are my body stats going to suffer on Sunday, when I take my measurements? Maybe.

But look, I'm going to keep going with my schedule. Tomorrow is a scheduled high carb day, and we have already planned a "pizza bender night"...(which in this house means ordering delivery pizza and watching Futurama). I'll enjoy myself tomorrow like every other high carb day and continue with plan A.

Sounds wonderful!

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