Sunday, November 6, 2011


Ok, so I downloaded a couple of FREE reports today that I think you might find helpful in your quest to eat better. "Stop Cravings Fast" & "20 Healthy Raw Snacks".

You can find them yourself here:

The author is a nutrition expert and a national champion bodybuilder.

Among the very interesting information in her reports were:
1) fresh vegetable juice acts as an appetite suppressant & craving killer.
2) fresh vegetable juice stabilizes blood sugar & satisfies the sweet tooth
3) you can be free from food cravings in a matter of days
4) she has recipes for delicious sounding treats so you can have a splurge now and then without feeling guilty about eating something processed or sugar heavy.

I know I am definitely testing some recipes out tomorrow! And I'm getting back into juicing tomorrow too. Was the only way I was able to get all my veggies in, so I need to start up again!!

The 20 recipes she shares for free is just a taste. She also has a book with 100 recipes for sale.

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