Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Seriously, why don't you lift weights?

There is already proof that weight lifting helps prevent osteoperosis and increases resting metabolism, and thus is a better tool for loosing weight then even cardio, so why do most women favor the "c" word? Good question indeed.

My guess is because it's easier. Easy workout = zero results.

The reason most women are unsuccessful in burning fat is because they do not spend enough time lifting weights.

When you lift weights, the muscles in your body are overloaded. They will work harder to do the curls and presses. When you rest after a tiring session, the muscles will repair themselves and grow. This means that your body must burn calories to grow muscles. So when you lift heavy weights, your body is actually working very hard to burn calories so as to repair and grow your muscles, even when you are sleeping.

As your muscles grow bigger, your body will burn more calories to maintain its size and shape. This again causes your body metabolism rate to work overtime to burn fat.

Did you know that 1 pound of muscle is much SMALLER than 1 pound of fat? That's right. Want to slide effortlessly into those skinny jeans? Lift.

Are you aware that if you add muscle to your body, you will be able to eat more without gaining weight? Um, yeah, I'm the POSTER CHILD for this one. Have you SEEN me EAT????

Studies performed by Wayne Westcott, PhD found that the average woman who performs weightlifting 2 to 3 times a week for 2 months will gain nearly 2 pounds of muscle and will lose 3.5 pounds of fat.

If fat loss or creating a more defined physique is your goal, strength training is the essential exercise mode for your success. Not only does each session torch calories, but it helps boost your metabolism in two different ways. Women will build a small amount of muscle mass with consistent resistance training, which helps to create that defined look, but it also increases something called your basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories you burn per day when completely at rest. The second means in which metabolism is increased is through something called EPOC, or excess postexercise oxygen consumption. After a challenging strength training session your body burns calories at an accelerated rate for up to 48 hours after. Add 2-3 sessions a week to your routine and you are now a fat burning machine!

So, why is it that you're not lifting weights again??

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