Saturday, February 19, 2011

Reasons to lift

Reasons why I will never stop lifting weights:

1)My husband told me that he can tell my legs are getting firmer.
2)My husband also told me that I have ripped abs.
3)My husband also told me that my arms are muscular.

Now, my husband is a very good man. Very sweet to his wife. But he's not overly complimentary. What I mean is, he doesn't say anything unless he means it. One of the only people that I know personally who is completely's refreshing. So when he gives a compliment, it's an awesome thing. I was floating.


Amanda said...

hi, new to your website, look forward to reading :) would love to see photos, how long have you been doing weights? millions of questions but that will do for now !!!!! cheers, Amanda

Charlotte said...

hi Amanda! Glad to hear from you! I have been weight training for about 5 years. I have posted some pictures on previous posts. Would be happy to hear your questions ;) Take care!