Friday, August 31, 2012

I am SOOOO tired....

I have not been sleeping well. The last two nights have been the worst. My lack of sleep is causing some anxiety symptoms to flare up and my anxiety symptoms, in turn, cause more lack of sleep. This cycle is so hard to break. And as I lay there NOT sleeping, I think about how I desperately need to fall NOW. I'm beyond tired, how can my body just not sleep when it obviously needs it?

I had to bring Hanna to swimming practice at 5:30 this morning and when I got home and crawled back into bed, I thought maybe I could get at least an hour of sleep. It seems that right before the alarm goes off is when I finally fall asleep. But, not this morning. So I laid there thinking, "well, I guess working out today is not a possibility". I had pretty much made my mind up.

Then I got out of bed at 7:00 to get Hanna, brought her back home to get ready for school, brewed some coffee, had some Greek yogurt, and I thought to myself...

Ok, I have two choices: 1) I can just wallow in exhaustion and feel sorry for myself or 2) I can go to the gym and give it what I can

I chose number 2.

I called my mom at 8:00 and said "Wake up buttercup!" and we're heading to the gym despite not really feeling like it. Because I'm sick and tired of my all or nothing attitude. Maybe I won't be able to crank out heavy sets, maybe I'll only be able to handle 2 circuits, but at least I will have done something. And that is better than nothing at all!

Today, you might not be feeling 100%. You might not want to workout even though it's a scheduled workout day. But even if it's just a minute of jumping jacks, 10 push ups and a couple of wall squat holds, it will have been something that got your blood pumping and just might be all the motivation you need!

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