Thursday, August 2, 2012

A or B

Ok, so have you seen this floating around Facebook lately? These types of pictures always spur big emotions from people and it's very interesting to read the many comments posted below pictures like this. The majority of people say they find the Dove models more attractive because they are more like "real" women.

Soo....the Victoria's Secret models aren't real? They aren't attractive? Come on. Granted they are photoshopped, they are still beautiful and have nice bodies, or they wouldn't be VS models, right? And they probably work really hard to keep their bodies in the shape that they are in. It's their job, after all. Yes, they look incredibly thin, especially next to the larger bodies below, but you can elongate model's bodies in Photoshop to make them look even thinner than they already are. I do a lot of work in Photoshop with pictures of my family as a hobby, and I know the power of this software. It's AMAZING.

I am a thin girl. I weigh 112lbs. My jeans are a size 4. And I EAT!! But it angers me a bit that the majority of people out there wouldn't consider me a "real" woman or attractive because I am thin. Yet we preach that we shouldn't give girls the wrong idea when it comes to body image. We would never say how unattractive an overweight woman was because that would be just wrong, why isn't it wrong to say that someone who is thin isn't attractive? Maybe some people who are thin can't really help it. Sure, some people work really hard to get and stay thin, but not all.

I get the point. They are trying to say that you don't have to be a size 0 to be beautiful, and I totally agree with that. But to me it also says, if you are too thin, you can't be in the "real beauty" club. And that is just defeating the purpose of this campaign. Where's the naturally thin girl in the Dove ad?

I think all the women are beautiful. And the things that make a woman beautiful don't stop at their bodies. I was shopping a few weeks ago and this woman who was assisting me was seriously drop dead gorgeous. And she was on the larger side, very voluptuous and curvy. But she was beautiful! She had a beautiful face, beautiful hair, nice make up, nails and clothes. But more than that, she was super kind and had a winning smile. She looked happy and confident. When you project that kind of aura, no one is going to give two shits about your size. If you want to be beautiful, you have to have to project it from the inside out.

Something to think about....

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