Thursday, August 29, 2013

Because this fits my situation to a T

"The blaming partner will always tell you that their behaviour was caused by what you said or did."

Yes indeed - If I had not been so "obsessive" with fitness, my husband could probably still tell me he loved me.

There are so many things I find ridiculous about this.

First, I'd like to point out how ironic it is that someone on blood pressure medication (or is it cholesterol meds - or both) can criticize me about health status. My doctor always raved about my numbers and commended me on my efforts to stay healthy. And, I'm not on medication to keep my health in check.

Just because I'm on the small side by nature, AND happen to like being an active, fit individual, doesn't mean I've got a raging out of control problem. Certainly not any bigger of a problem than someone with...oh, say, a major sugar addiction. And anyone with half a brain knows what too much sugar on a daily basis does to you. Getting put down for being too skinny is the same as being put down for being fat. Only it's not considered taboo like it is to call out someone for being fat. You would never say to an overweight person, gee, I think you're too fat, you should eat less and workout more. So why is it ok to unleash your opinion on a skinny person. Obviously they eat like birds and over exercise, right? I mean, it's not like we are all made differently, with different DNA and genes and metabolism and stuff and junk. Oh wait, we ARE all different, aren't we!

I love those people who "care" about your health so much that they try to stuff you with cupcakes and pizza and encourage you to STOP GETTING ALL THAT EXERCISE! Because that's promoting a picture of health, isn't it. No, it actually isn't. But it is showing off a great example of hypocrisy.

I think it all boils down to two things: jealousy and control. Say what you will, but this is my opinion. Hey, you have yours, I have mine. Haters gonna hate. Love isn't supposed to be conditional. That's called control.

True Story: I have actually been told that I get all the exercise I need doing stuff like walking to my car. Yeah. Uh-huh. Let me give you a standing ovation for your brilliant work in that think tank.

The following are statements directly from Mayo Clinic doctor, Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.

"How much should the average adult exercise every day?

Aerobic activity. Get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity.

Strength training. Do strength training exercises at least twice a week. No specific amount of time for each strength training session is included in the guidelines."

For those who can't count - that's 5 cardio sessions and 2 strength training sessions for a grand total of 7 sessions of exercise per week. A bit more than walk to your car would you say? But what does he know, he's only a doctor for the MAYO EFFING CLINIC.

Oh, and did you also get that part about some vigorous activity being acceptable? Imagine that!

I....had a dream. Once upon a time. A frivolous little unimportant goal. I wanted to compete in a figure competition. And anyone who has ever thrown around this idea themselves knows what type of training and diet habits are involved in prepping for a competition. It's very strict. But it isn't long term, either.

Maybe you think it's a stupid dream. But you are not me. Maybe I think having the world's largest bug collection is a stupid dream. But I am not a bug collector. I wouldn't understand. That's the funny thing about dreams, they can be WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT. Hence the definition of the word dream: something hoped for: something that somebody hopes, longs, or is ambitious for, usually something difficult to attain or far removed from present circumstances

difficult to attain...

So what do you do when someone who is supposed to love you unconditionally, continually squashes your dreams because it isn't what they want? It doesn't make them happy?

This picture is SO true for me. Notice how those closest to you are some of the first to try and stop you from reaching your goals.

And can I also get a HOLLA from all the guys who really just hate it when their girlfriends/wives take care of their bodies?

no? hmmm, go figure.

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