Saturday, July 9, 2011

Normality at last

ok, so even though I bombed on my shapeshifter diet, not all hope is lost. I DO know how to eat healthy, so I have that going for me.

This morning I had Greek yogurt (plain, fat free) with a bit of chopped walnuts, dates and stevia mixed in. I love Stonyfield's little single serving cups of Oikos organic Greek yogurt. Because I don't even need a bowl, I throw in my additives and stir! So convenient. And so satisfying. The yogurt cup has only 80 calories and 15 grams of protein! Love.

So yesterday I shared an exercise that I really like. Today I'll share one that I'm not a big fan of. The pike push up. Give at me some push ups, drill Sargent! Those I can handle! But pikes push ups are much more difficult. Here's what you do: get into a pike position (bent over like an upside down V, on your toes), lower yourself down keeping legs straight and head in line with arms. It's awkward for me because I am NOT flexible in any way shape or form, so proper form on this one is tough.

Maybe that should be a new (more attainable goal) for me: improve flexibility. Anyone know any good resources on this??

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