Monday, July 11, 2011


Do you ever think about how hard it is to come up with a post title sometimes? I mean, most of the time, it's the toughest thing about blogging. I'll sit for EVER with a blank stare on my face trying to come up with something that isn't lame yet relevant to the post. Does that mean my posts are lame? I think it does.

Anyway, on with the next lame post.

Have you heard the song "criminal" by Fiona Apple? "I've been a bad baaaaaaad girl....." It's pretty old. You might not remember it. But that part about being a bad girl comes to my mind lately.

I know sugar alcohols are bad for your system because it's hard for your body to digest them. But I have paid no nevermind to that fact because my craving for ice cream has won me over in the last week and a half. To combat waistline growth, I've opted for the low carb and sugar free versions of ice cream and chocolate sauce. While a bowl of these two things together will take care of my cravings and only set me back 105 calories, my family is suffering tremendously with the noxious fumes I seem to be emanating. Not even kidding, I had extreme gut rot yesterday and I am thinking it's from that stuff.

Really, I don't know why I've thrown caution to the wind and am eating stuff I typically wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. But I'm over it. I think. I hope. I might have been just that care free, which is nice in a way. I might have just had major pms. Or, I might have had a void that I was filling with food. Whatever it was, it was nas-T!

Hoping this week is better. Time to set some new weekly goals:
1) NO cheats! I mean it, girl. Stay away from anything fried or covered in chocolate! If I'm good all week, I will reward myself with a treat on Saturday and  Sunday.
2) Keep calories down to between 1200 - 1500
3) Keep carb intake under control, maybe only eat starch in the morning hours? Or cycle again - yikes.
4) Activity level UP UP UP! Clean the house. Go for walks, go for jogs, do some intervals. Anything, just don't sit still
5) Make a menu that is delicious and nutritious to help keep me on track. It has to be delicious. It just has to, then I won't crave.
6) Enjoy my life, enjoy my kids....this is summer! We should be all happy and smiles. We are for the most part but I think I could do better. So far, there hasn't been a time that I've wished for school to start, and it's July already. I would consider that a very successful summer.
7) Don't stress about diet so much. (oops...already seem to have mastered that one since the 4th)

What are your goals for the week? I'd love to hear them!! Leave a comment!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

hahahaha charlotte!! notice my last few posts havent had a title??? i gave up as most of my posts are lame anyway!!!! ;)
out kids are on term break at the moment for 2 weeks and one day. yes, i am picking, out of my routine somewhat and too many temptations with kids having friends over and snacking and me eating leftovers - blah blah blah same old story!!im not working as much thru the hols so meal times are scattered. im hitting the gym heavy this week with 20mins hiit crosstrainer so that is my goal this week. xx