Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I love ya, tomorrow

So, the healthy diet sort of went bye bye over Easter. I've been not so careful about what I'm eating, when I'm eating, getting enough protein, etc. And do you know what? I feel LOUSY! I honestly can't wait for tomorrow. I hate to say that because tomorrow the kids go back to school and my husband goes back to work. Although I love having them here, it's just so hard to adhere to my "special" diet (which is nothing other than simply eating healthy foods) when no one else really cares much about eating for health.

I have been dipping into the Easter candy quite frequently over the past 5 days and I can REALLY tell that it negatively effects my body. I get dizzy. I get headaches. I get gut aches. And I feel lazy. But it's not just candy, it's other things that I normally wouldn't eat: fatty bacon, buttery potatoes, bread, etc. I'm getting that euphoric effect while I'm eating it, because it tastes good. But literally within minutes of eating it, I feel horrible. And the horrible feeling lasts and lasts.

I know why my husband always wants to lay around on the couch. In fact he's laying there now, napping, and it's almost 5pm. He never has energy. He always wants to nap or lay on the couch or the bed. Do I think it's his diet? No. I KNOW it is.

When I talk about the importance of eating healthy, it's not just because I know it will help me reach certain body goals, but I know the difference in how it makes you FEEL. It is monumental!

You can deny it all you want. My husband does. He might know that his diet causes him to be lethargic, but he would never admit it. That would imply he's doing something wrong. And it's not in his nature to admit to being wrong....ever. But deep down I think he knows. I just don't think he cares all that much. And he doesn't care because he's not obese. Therefore, it's not doing him any harm.

But he knows. Just today we were at a pizza place for lunch and he was coaxing me to eat the last couple squares of his pizza. I asked him why he was practically begging me to eat it and he said to me, "Because your cholesterol levels are awesome and your skinny."

I was working out in my basement yesterday because, for whatever reason, I didn't want to go to the gym. And I did a different weight routine, it wasn't circuit based, it was straight sets. After weights, I did 20 minutes of cardio. According to my heart rate monitor, I only burned somewhere around 350 calories (usually at the gym, it's about 550 - but that is when I do a circuit based routine and 20 minutes of cardio after). And I was thinking to myself how sad it was that I worked out for an hour and ten minutes to burn off 2 cadbury eggs worth of calories. Something that would take me about 2 minutes to eat. Do I really want to spend that much time working out to burn off something I shouldn't have eaten in the first place? NO! It's not worth it.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Sadly, I'm not looking forward to measurements because I know that nothing will have changed in the past week. But even so, I look ahead to the future and see success. I have not yet failed because I have not yet given up.

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