Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 9, Monday


Breakfast: 2 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 slice havarti cheese, oatmeal (couldn't finish it though)

WORKOUT: 30 Day Shred, 20 minute walk at an incline

AM Snack: Protein shake w/ oatmeal and strawberries

Lunch: Lentil Soup, popcorn

PM Snack: Fiber One cereal

Dinner: Salad, 6 Large Sea Scallops

OVERALL: My motivation is still pretty high but today was a day where I had to REALLY fight to not cheat. I think my emotions play a part. Huh, never thought of myself as an emotional eater. Anyway, food choices were pretty ok. Exercise is going amazingly well. Have not gotten off goal (which is to continue 30 day shred until the last day of January) and I think that is the key for me. Before, I was making all these long term goals and I was never reaching them. Making shorter term goals like a month out is better. When I reach it I will feel elated I'm sure.

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