Friday, January 15, 2010

One thing worth mentioning...

You'll notice I always walk right after I do my 30 Day Shred video...why?

I know that this video technically isn't weight training like I think of weight training (although there are compound and isolation exercises using weights). But I like to get cardio in after a weight training session. Here's why:

You are burning thru sugar that's readily available while you are exercising with weights. When that is depleted, the body starts to go for fat. This is when cardio works to burn fat. Get in your fat burning zone by walking at a brisk pace, jogging, elliptical, things of that nature. (NOTE - running or other high intensity cardio is NOT in your fat burning zone according to This type of workout is good for cardiovascular health)Watch the video to get this information.

Also, some VERY educational videos for those of you wishing to either loose fat or put on muscle. Check it out --->click me Once you get to the site, scroll down to the middle of the page to where it says Get Started. You'll get a lesson in what exercises you should be doing, how often, intensity, nutrition, supplements...everything you need to know to get the results you are after.

I have a body space on It works similar to DailyBurn, which I described to you in a previous post. You can sign up for one (it's free) and look me up! My profile is lovetogetlean. It's a great source for support from others who have the same goals as you. You can write blogs, log workouts, post progress pictures, and TONS of other data, as well as view other other member's stats. Very helpful tool!

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