Monday, September 19, 2011

Energizer bunny, that's me!

I worked out 3 times today. Yes....3 times. Am I insane? I think I just might be. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I'm overflowing with energy and I can't help myself.

I set up my stereo in the basement that had previously been collecting dust in a corner for two years. It's pretty old school but the big Yamaha speakers really sound great. And there isn't much I like better than cranking some good music and cutting loose. So that's what I did today. I did my "official" workout which was 30 minutes of hill climbs, 4 sets of weighted squats and step ups and then I did a lot of dancing around to loud music. There was no one around to be bothered by it, so why not!

It was so much fun, I brought the girls downstairs later on to show them what I had done and they immediately wanted to dance too. We spent an hour and a half dancing (and yes, I counted it as a workout because I was dripping sweat). I was the last one standing. They were all sprawled out on the floor exhausted and I was still bouncing around. LOL! We made it fun - I took out some Halloween wigs and microphones and we pretended to be Lady GaGa. I was singing every word to every song, dancing around in a wig, and Eden looked at me and said "I have such a cool mom" made me feel awesome.

Then I went for a run outside after dinner. What an awesome day! The only thing I don't like about having so much energy is that I need to eat more. But that's ok, as long as I eat smart.

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