Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunny Sunday Afternoon

Just in case you want to ruin your diet.....

Chocolate chip cookies from the Breadsmith. Oh heaven. TONS (I mean it) of chocolate chips in a thick and scrumptious cookie. I dare not look up the calorie content.

I have been taking turns over the past week with the good and the bad. The angel and devil in me are definitely duking it out. Sometimes, delicious sweet treats are just too heavenly to pass up.

However, since I feel like a hefer at this particular point in time (because I just ate this huge heavenly cookie), I have decided that it would probably be in my best interest to take it easy on the sweet treats for a while. At least for the next week. Small steps. We bought a new grill so I want to spend the week perfecting my grilling skills and eating more salads alongside of our beautifully grilled meat. Grilling is my least perfected cooking skill. Probably because I don't do it enough. And that was because our old grill sucked. It was old. It was way past it's prime.

I feel like I'm getting a bit tighter and I want to see if I can really capitalize on that with clean eating. I'm still plugging away with as much cardio as I can fit in. Most days, twice a day. Although yesterday I mixed it up. I got my cardio in and did high repetition squats and lunges AND extra ab work. And let me just say that I can't wait to sit down without yelling "OWIE!!!!" and I pray I don't have to sneeze because my abs are screaming too.

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