Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Picture pages, picture pages, now it's time for picture pages.....

I'm going insane trying to remember what that little tune is from. Some sort of childhood tv program.

Anyway, I wanted to take some pictures today since it has been a while and also since I plan on improving the shape of my body within the the future. At some point. I really honestly don't have a clue when it will happen since I do almost everything humanly possible to change and never do. But I still hold on to hope.

*please note these pictures were taken after I went for a run so I'm not looking particularly hot. At all.

Picture one: flexing upper body. I'm most proud of the work I have accomplished on my upper body. Although I would really like to pack on more muscle this winter.

Picture two: I'm trying to flex my quads here. They aren't very big. I'm hoping to change that.

Picture three: quads again.

Picture four: and again

Picture five: Now we come to the part I am the most frustrated with. My outer thigh. Extra fat just hangs there and refuses to leave. I don't know if it's mostly fat or a combination of fat and sagging skin (I am almost 37 you know, I'm entitled to have some sagging skin, aren't I?) but I really REALLY wish it would just go away.

Picture six: You see the white line I've drawn? I wish I could just shave off that excess.

Picture seven: this is how I would pose to make it look as if I have no outer thigh problem.

Picture eight: as the picture says, trying to flex here

Picture nine: I don't like this picture and I'll tell you why. I look too skinny. Ok, mom, are you happy? I like the fact that I have definition in my arms and abs but I really want to be more filled out. The only problem is when it comes to fat loss, you can't pick and chose where the fat comes off. It just keeps coming off my upper body until I look near skeletal but my thighs won't budge. Nothing pisses me off more. NOTHING.

Picture eleven: I don't really know how to properly flex back muscles. But I know I have them. Really I do. Also, my pants are very unflattering. I hate my butt.

And there you have it. Some bad, some not bad, but all me. Take it or leave it.

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