Friday, September 30, 2011

what I will and will not do (click for full post)

Even though today isn't the "official" start date of my next 12 week program, I figured it couldn't hurt to get a jump start on the new cooking/eating routine I will be on.
In case I haven't mentioned this before, I am following Jamie Eason's 12 week training course on She has a few really delicious recipes that I have tried and I highly recommend her pumpkin protein bars. I made a batch yesterday and they are a little slice of healthy heaven!

Today I'm making her turkey muffins for dinner. They are in the oven as I type this and smell wonderful! (it's later, and I just ate 2 of them, they are amazing)
Yesterday I also cooked up a batch of brown rice, boiled a bunch of chicken tenderloins and steamed broccoli and made ready containers for my lunches. I'll have these turkey muffins to add to my ready made list as well. It's really going to be something different I need to get used to, preparing the week's food in advance for the occasions where I won't feel like cooking from scratch or don't have time (this is to prevent hunger slip ups and will ensure that I can stick to my clean diet). The planning and prep is a lot of work, but in the end, it will simplify my week and make it way easier to stick to my whole food diet.

Today was perfect. I'm looking forward to the day when my craving for sugar is gone. The first two weeks will be crucial.

I've dedicated most of this week to rest and recovery, a the much needed break before starting a fresh new program. I feel really lazy but it's going to be one steps back then two steps forward.
I've started and stopped countless programs and every time, I have failed. I have not seen one single thing through to success. So for me to sit here and say "yeah, I'm starting a new program and I'm really going to stick with this one" makes me feel a bit stupid. But I feel it in my soul, it's MY turn. I know, I'm 110% positive, that the ONLY thing standing between me and the figure I want is how I eat. I just have to eat whole unprocessed foods ALL THE TIME to see the change I am after. No question about it. I'm done working so hard and throwing it all away so I can eat chips and crackers and tons of other stuff I know is keeping me from my goal. A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips - it's just not worth it.

I'm going to put pounds of muscle on my body and I'm going to nourish myself with only the most nutritious foods. My body will be running like a smooth machine and I'm going to look defined and fabulous, just like the women I admire so much on bodyspace. There is no reason I can't do it. They had to sacrifice. I'm sure it was super tough. But they did it, and so can I. My mind and will is strong enough.

I'm not going to buy into any other "quick fix" idea or be under the delusion that anything other than strength training is going to produce the body that I want. I'm not going to buy another workout that promises "results" in X amount of time or your money back. I'm not going to explain to everyone who sees me eat (or not eat) something, the reasons for which I am doing so. It's a waste of my time. I'm not going to pay attention to those who misunderstand what "body building" is. They have a picture of a manly looking women with gigantic biceps and a bad tan in their head. That is not my goal. And I'm not going to justify to anyone the reason my goal is important to me. Being skinny is not my goal. I'm not going to set a time limit on my goal. I know I want to drastically improve aesthetically in a certain period of time, but I also know that it is cumulative work. It is "building". It takes lots of time. It takes consistency. And it takes heart.

There will come a day, when the cardio junkies and junk food junkies are wondering why their bodies aren't changing even though they workout all the time, and I'm going to have the smokin' hot body they wish they had. Those are some pretty big words and a pretty cocky attitude. But I believe in myself and I know that I can do it. I'm tired of wanting it. Knowing it's been right there within my grasp the whole time but not giving it 110% like I know I need to. If it's worth having, it's worth working and sacrificing for. I know that I deserve to give my body the best and get the best in return.

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