Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 24

First...  click this link if you are interested in a nutritious recipe for muesli


I killed my chest and triceps today at the gym. The fact that my left arm seems to have limited mobility made it even worse. I am really wishing I never got that damn flu shot. But I toughed it out. Here's how the workout went today:

push ups - didn't do them. I really need to get past my insecurities. I was too embarrassed to do them. Even though I'm really good at push ups. I don't know what it is with me. I will have to do them tonight. I'm far too sore to attempt them now.

Incline DB press - warmed up with 10 reps, 15lb dbs. Set went 10 reps, 20lb dbs/10 reps, 20lb dbs/6 reps, 20lb dbs

Flat bench flyes - 10 reps, 12lb dbs/10 reps, 15lb dbs/10 reps, 12lb dbs

Decline flyes - 10 reps, 10lb dbs/10 reps, 12lb dbs/10 reps, 12lb dbs

Bench dips - 10/10/8

Tricep extension machine (luv this thing) - 10 reps, 20lbs X 3

Lying EZ bar tricep ext. (just bar, no weight) - 10 reps X 3 - arms were shaking here

DB Tricep kickback (single arm) - 10 reps, 8lbs/10 reps, 8lbs/8 reps, 10lbs/6 reps, 8lbs - arms are toast!

Overhead tricep extension - 10 reps, 10lbs/10 reps, 12lbs/8 reps, 15lbs

Cable tricep extension (supposed to have been single arm but there was NO way, even on the lightest weight, I couldn't even do one rep my arms were so done), using both arms - 10 reps, 20lbs X 3

And done! I can barely lift my coffee mug to my mouth right now. Oh mama!

I definitely notice that I work much harder at the gym. I can easily focus, I take my time with every rep and I am feeling it! I've never been happier to step outside my comfort zone. It's still intimidating working out next to men because I am so small. But as I'm working out in front of the mirrors I am able to really see how defined my arms are and how tiny my waist is! Even my hips seem smaller in those mirrors! I'm not really as full of myself as I sound. It's just nice to get a little boost of confidence like that once in a while. For the first time in.....well.....ever, I was happy with what I saw. It's truly something special when we can finally look into a mirror and not pick apart every flaw.

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