Monday, July 23, 2012

Muscle, it's what matters

If you've read this blog for any amount of time, you are probably aware of my "tell it like it is" attitude. I'm not entirely this way in person. It's true that you would probably say things much more freely in writing than you would in person. I think that is why bullying and trolling online is so prevalent. I bet most people who exhibit this behavior online wouldn't do so face to face. Unless they are 13. I do know a few who are not shy about telling it like it is in person. I like that real honesty. Sometimes, the truth hurts. Not saying that these people are always right about what they say, but they believe in their point of view strongly and have the guts to stand up for those beliefs. They don't just tell you what you want to hear or expect to hear. I admire that.

I don't tend to sugar coat my beliefs on this blog, no matter how right or wrong they may be in YOUR eyes. I am just another person with her own set of beliefs and most of it is based on my own personal experiences or things I've read through reliable sources. I have a goal for myself and I read tons of information that relates to my goal. I feel it's very important to educate myself on the
best way to go about getting where I want to go. It might not be the same as your goal. But then again, it might. And for those of you who share my passion and my goal, it is my hope that we can help each other out here, sharing valuable tips to help us achieve our best.

Health is of the utmost importance to me. I know that I will grow old and die one day, but I want to make the most out of growing older. I want to enjoy my golden years. I don't want to be plagued with health problems if I can prevent it. Obviously we can't predict our own destiny, but we can certainly do all we can to sway it in the direction we want, if we care enough to do so. And if I can do my part to prevent heart disease, diabetes and even cancer, I will! Your genetics and environmental factors play a part in it, but one can still take preventative measures.

And if you don't care, that's cool. Sometimes I wish I didn't care as much. But I know one day my kids will be grateful that I took such good care of myself and my health. There are many many days that I wish my mother could do more things with my children. And many days I wish my father could have been around to see them grow up. I don't want my kids to know that same longing.

I don't always do what I know I should do. I am flawed and have low motivation days, just like you. No one is perfect 100% of the time. NO ONE. But I try hard to stick with what I know is best. And I will be forever trying to encourage others to do the same. Because I want people to get excited about getting healthy and fit. This is why I love Michelle Obama, she does what I wish I had the power to do. I am so glad that someone in a position of power is taking a stand to try and help this country, help our kids, learn about how to be healthy.

I am still very much a work in progress. I absolutely know what I need to do to achieve what I want, but it's very difficult. In one way I love the challenge, but in another, I wish to be there already. And it's not something that I do temporarily, it's ongoing work. Once I stop, it will fade. I am in this for the long haul. Ready for all the ups and downs it brings. It's not just about the type of
workouts I do. And it's not just about the diet I have. It's both together, working synergisticly.

Even though by body is not quite where I wish I was, athletically I am there. I really couldn't be happier with my fitness. Look at the Olympic athletes, each one of them looks different. From the not quite so fit looking women powerlifters to the scrawny sickly looking marathoners to the incredibly toned and muscular sprinters and swimmers, to the down right blubbery sumo wrestlers, their bodies are all shaped according to the sport they train for. We train the way we train because it's what we like and ultimately how we want our bodies to look. Our genetics determine how far we can take it. Obviously I fit into the "hardgainer" category. It's a big obstacle for me, but I don't back down because of it, I push on. I have no interest in how my workouts measure up to someone else's. What I do at the gym is MY best. I am not the heaviest lifter, but I lift to my max potential. I lift to grow.
That's what matters to me.

For me, I LOVE the look of muscle definition. I stop in my tracks when I see a woman with arms. Immediately I'm thinking, "Oh, SHE works out!" and I am most impressed by it. I think it's hot. Yeah, I can say other women are hot. I don't get jealous. I'm more like a puppy who would follow them around with admiration if I could ;)

What matters to you and why does it matter?

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