Saturday, March 31, 2012


Went through some old binders of mine and found some interesting photos of myself circa 2005. I was doing this 6 week workout regimen called "Slim in 6" and I had taken some before pictures. Here's one of them:

I was totally grossed out by this picture when I saw it. I still had a pretty thin upper body but certainly no abs. And look at those hips! According to measurements back then, my thighs are each 3 inches smaller now.
You should see the backside view.
¡Ay, caramba!

Here is a current photo:

What a difference!!


Carmen said...

You look simply AMAZING!! I think you look younger now than you did back then. And you look happier too! Probably because you have an awesome friend-me. ha! ha! Just kidding! But you really do look amazing! I can only dream to look like you! You go girl!!!

pureglow*16 said...

that is amazing!!!! what did you do to train? LOve it!

Charlotte said...

thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! My workouts revolve around weight training. And I try to keep my diet clean as often as possible.