Friday, August 26, 2011

donut run

This week has been one success after another. My diet has been "off the huzzum!" - to quote my children. My fitness has been the same. Everything just feels right.

There are donuts in the house and I don't even WANT to eat them! Gotta love motivation and willpower like that! No really, I gotta love it while I can because it certainly isn't always that easy.

There they are. Bear claws. You can see the grease stains and remnants of sprinkles from the eaten donuts. I promised my family that I would go to the store to buy them donuts as a first day of school celebration treat. And to bribe them to walk with me. Sad, right?

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but have you ever heard of a donut run? I think they are slightly different depending on the event but basically you run and eat donuts. I watched a hilarious youtube video where they ran 2 miles, ate 12 donuts, then ran 2 more miles. How crazy is that? Another event was a 5k. You run it, then you eat as many donuts as you can. For each donut eaten, time is subtracted from your final running time. Funny, huh?

Maybe in my younger and crazier days, I would have taken part in such a thing. Back when I didn't care about calories. Although back then, I probably couldn't even run a mile. But I'm pretty sure I could eat a dozen donuts though. Especially if they are Krispy Kreme because they are so airy they just melt in your mouth. We used to have a Krispy Kreme in town. Just breathing the air in that place added 500 calories to your daily intake.

Anyway, watch this video but not if you are sensitive to the f-word. They drop a couple bombs in the video.

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