Monday, August 22, 2011

not much

Tonight we had "meet the teacher night" at our elementary school. Hanna had her first volleyball practice of the season. And soon we will leave for the airport to pick up my beloved husband and youngest daughter. I will be relieved when they are safe and sound here with me.

I know I haven't posted much lately but there hasn't been much worth posting on a fitness/health/diet level. The weekend led to some overeating of junk food (as usual) which always leads to new motivation Monday morning to get back in the game. That's one good thing I guess. I went grocery shopping for the week and didn't buy one single thing that was bad. Yay! My diet was right on track today. I've been religiously taking all of my supplements. Did I mention I have more/new supplements that I am trying out? I'll elaborate on that another day.

All in all, things are well. I don't think I will jog tonight since my family will be together again for the first time in two weeks. But that's ok because I rocked my morning workout and kept my calories to 300 per meal (I eat 5 "meals" per day).

I've got a couple months to go on this "fat loss" phase, although there isn't much fat loss going on. But I feel really fit and healthy and I love that.

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