Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Good news, everyone!

...my favorite quote from the Professor on Futurama. If you watch that show, you'll know he says that quite a lot.

The good news is that I've been panic attack free for quite a while now and I'm sleeping regularly (if you count sleeping until 4am regular) and my lab results showed that my thyroid is normal. My doctor was concerned my thyroid might be wacky since I'm "so thin" and have anxiety. But all is well. My meds seem to be doing their job and that's great news for me.

I'm nearing the end of the 2nd of 5 cycles on the Xtreme fat loss diet. Two more days until another cheat day! I have to say, I'm actually really REALLY liking this diet. I know it's extreme with the fasting days and shake only days but it's so manageable and of course I love have an entire day to pig out guilt free while LOSING INCHES! You heard me.

I am in shock at how quickly my bottom half has shrunk. This is only my 9th day and I am getting results. I have a pair of pants that were almost too tight on me in late August (around the time I went to New York) and they are BAGGY on me now! The butt sags, it's hideous. Jeans and pants that were tight in the butt and thighs over Christmas now fit comfortably. It's so exciting. If I continue at this rate, there will not be a dimple or a lump left on my body by day 25! (only 16 more days....scary)

I know it sounds ridiculous that as small as I am I still try to lose fat. But the thing is, my thighs are a bit lumpy and the ONLY way to get rid of it is to lose the fat that's there. A daunting and VERY difficult task. It's not that I want to get smaller, it's just that I'm trying to rid myself of the problem - which is lumpy fat. I may be small, you may not believe it's there, but it is. Eliminating the fat should smooth it out. Especially with weight training involved to add muscle. And if those two things don't work, I've probably got a saggy skin problem. At my age, skin elasticity isn't what it used to be and that means my problem may never go away. But for now, I'm going to treat it like it's just fat that needs to be lost. I've got to test all theories.

Anyway, I've got my next routine all lined up too. So when this is over, it's booty bootcamp! I'm going to focus on lifting my saggy rear end. I'll have four months, but I've found some good moves that ought to do the trick!

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