Monday, April 18, 2011

About the book

So I've been reading from my two new books and I'm almost finished with Body For Life. It's a short book, but it's sometimes hard to find quiet time to just sit and read. Anyone with kids will understand what I mean.

But I have found so many inspiring things in this book so far. I am very pleased I decided to buy it. Here are a few that stood out to me:

"Women should be concerned about not having enough muscle, rather than too much." - in reference to a common fear women have about bulking up when they lift weights.

"When you exercise a nutrient deficient body, you're not making it healthier; you're actually creating a worse nutrient deficiency." - in reference to people who eat crappy food and think that exercising a lot will make up for it.

"Even though aerobic exercise does help burn fat, when it comes to transforming your body, proper weight training can't be beat." - of course I love this one!

"Limitations, impossibilities - these are things our minds become programmed to believe." - great for motivation.

"If you do nothing but aerobic exercise, even if you eat less, your results will not be optimal. In other words, if you start out a pear, you end up a smaller pear - but that isn't a transformation." - I know this all to well from experience. Back when the only exercise I got was the treadmill, I definitely shrunk in size, but everything I wanted to change was still there, just on a smaller scale. All the time and energy I spent trying to rid myself of jiggle, to no avail - ugh!

"You exercise to create a positive result, not because you've got nothing else to do." - This. Is. Brilliant! I can't agree more. I mean, if you are doing any form of exercising, it's probably because you want to see a change for the better in your body and/or your health. So why not do it the smarter, more efficient way? Get this book - you won't be disappointed!

My goals for the week are about the same as usual:
1) Drink more water. I'm going to try and drink a full glass before and after each meal. I don't know why it seems so difficult for me to get enough water.
2) Eat more vegetables. Some days I slack. If there is one thing I don't want to slack on, it's this.
3) Pay attention to portion sizes. Especially at dinner.

And of course, eat as clean as possible. This is a given. I have minor slips now and then, but if I can limit the slips to once a week, I shouldn't have to worry too much.

Here's to the start of a successful week everyone! I hope you are motivated and feel strong so that you can accomplish all your goals for the week.

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