Saturday, April 16, 2011

Morning fasted training? Not today.

I got up with the dog this morning instead of waiting for the hubs to get up and let her out. I did this with the intention of getting downstairs to get my HIIT session done in a fasted stated, just to see how it goes. I never really saw much benefit in doing it while I was in Denmark (which is when I first tried out the idea) but then again, I wasn't eating clean either. But there is just something that feels so wrong about trying to exercise to your max on an empty stomach. Don't you perform better when you have fuel? What's the point of exercising for intensity if you can't get there because you have an empty tank?

Anyway, so here I sit typing about it (aka whining) and drinking coffee, pondering "should I...shouldn't I..." and time's a-waistin'. I guess now that my tummy rumbles are audible, I will have my oats & eggs first. I have just got to come to grips with the reality that I am not, nor will I ever be, an avid early morning exerciser. No matter how much I wish to be. 9:00 am is my sweet spot. And that's ok. It fits into my schedule, it works, why mess with it, right?

And to all of you who can literally roll out of bed and hit the gym, I am truly jealous. But in a good way, my fellow fitness fans. You are ALL inspirational people and I love ya!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

hi charlotte, i got up the other week and hit the gym and did hiit tready on an empty stomach and after 30 mins i suddenly started to get dizzy and spin out. i had to get off and go and lie down on the stretching mats and pretend i was stretching just to recover, it was actually quite scary as i have suffered in the past from vertigo and am petrified that i'll get it back again. i will definitely eat a yoghurt or 1/2 an apple before doing that again. my sweet spot is 7.30pm - yeah i agree with you - why mess with it!!!