Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 1 of 14

I woke up ready. SO ready. More ready than ever. More motivated than ever. This month is going to kick my butt! Good. I'm counting on it.

So, like I said, I've got my menu for the week hanging in my kitchen. Every. Single. Meal. For 7 days. There is no question what to eat. Or when.

Just finished one of the hardest workouts I've ever done. OMG! Average time to complete it: 1 hour. My time: 49 minutes. I am so sweaty right now. I feel SO GOOD! I still am in awe at how tough these new workouts are. I'm still sore and I don't even know from which workout anymore! Been sore since last Wednesday. All I have to say is that if June 1st rolls around and this hasn't worked...nothing will!

30 days to go!


Carmen said...

Good luck Charlotte! I don't know where you get all of your motivation from, but can you rub some of it off on me. You are doing an awesome job!

Amanda said...

hey charlotte, how are you? i'm excited by your plan! can you please blog your diet? esp your carb cycling - im very interested in that. why dont you post a day 1 front, side and back piccie with measurements and then a 14 day piccie - would love to see your progress. good luck girl - how can anyone fail with your determination, motivation and execution? you've got this!!! its only 14 days - such a better mindset than if it was say 12 weeks. go for it!!