Sunday, May 22, 2011

What are striations?

I had a nice rest day yesterday. My hammies were sore, and still are today. I love that this same workout that I've been on for nearly 4 weeks (exactly 4 weeks after the next 3 workouts) still makes me sore! Today I am back at it. Gonna punish thighs.

You know, I've posted some of my progress pictures on my bodyspace at and I am amazed at the compliments I have gotten. I don't feel that I deserve it actually. I guess I don't always see in myself what others do. There were a couple comments on the striations on my shoulders and chest.

I had to ask myself....what the heck is a striation??? I'd never heard of that term before.

Following definition from
Striations are the tiny grooves of muscle across major muscle groups in a highly defined body. Having striations mean you can see the stretching of the muscle sort of like steel cables or stretched plastic wrap.

Hmmm....that's pretty cool!

If you care at all, you'll get some results. If you care enough, you'll get incredible results.


Amanda said...

hey charlotte, looking good! in answer to your comment on my blog ive been m.i.a for a while. my mother passed away suddenly last week and i had to deal with my dysfunctional asshole of a family (sorry about the swearing) and the funeral - it was a draining awful time. then 2 days later i had a weekend away with my husband and 2 other close couples (no kids- that never happens!) that had been booked 3 months ago and just got back yesterday. i need to regroup, refocus and get myself tgether again. i havent been on the computer for over a week!! ive got so many blogs to catch up on and will post on mine in a day or so. talk soon xxxx

Charlotte said...

Oh Amanda, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. How awful for you. I hope you are doing ok. Take care!